Essential Health Screenings for Women in Bronx

Learn about vital tests and early detection strategies for a healthier life specially designed for women

women health screening

Women suffer from various health issues in different phases of their lives. This happens because they don’t get time to focus on their health. Their time goes to workplace and household responsibilities. Do you think no symptoms mean a healthy body? It's time to wake up from your false hopes. 

Dr. Ataul H Chowdhury, a renowned internist will tell you today how regular checkups and screenings can be lifesaving for you. He will discuss common diseases for which every woman should consider routine screening.

Why Do Screening Tests Matter for Women?

We have seen numerous female patients with diseases that they could have prevented if they had been careful about their health. For this reason, we encourage our females to visit for regular health screening. You may feel perfectly fine. But life threatening diseases may develop within your body silently. Such as high blood pressure, heart disease or cancer. Routine screening can identify these diseases at their early stages. Starting your treatment early increases your chance of effective treatment.

5 Essential Screenings for Women

We recommend health screenings considering your age, health condition, family history and potential risk factors. Common screenings we suggest for women over 20 years are:

Breast Cancer Screening

Your risk of developing breast cancer increases if your mother, sister or close relative has this condition. We recommend you to start breast examinations in your 20s. You can determine unusual changes in your breast health if you know your body properly. We suggest you do the assessment by yourself. You can also visit us for professional checkups. 

Sometimes non cancerous lumps can develop. So you should not panic if you feel any small lump. You should consult us for an accurate diagnosis. We recommend mammograms for breast cancer screening. Generally, we tell our female patients over 40 to do this test every year. This test can find lumps that you cannot feel during a physical examination. 

Breast cancer in its early stages usually doesn’t spread to your other organs. You can cure it completely if you start your treatment at this stage. You should get breast cancer screening as your doctor suggests.

Cervical Cancer Screening

Cervical cancer is a serious health issue for women. Routine screening can help you identity this condition early on. Preventive care helps you to prevent it. We recommend Pap smear test from the age of 21. We collect cells from your cervix and perform lab analysis. This test can find abnormal cells on the cervix. Usually, we suggest doing this test once every 3 years until you are in your 30s. 

We recommend to take the HPV test if you are in your 30s. We discuss your symptoms and risk factors. It helps us to identify the screenings you may need. We may suggest both pap test and HPV testing for comprehensive assessment. We also provide HPV vaccines. This vaccine can protect you from developing cervical cancer from HPV infection.

Hypertension Screening

High blood pressure can cause heart disease and stroke. These conditions will develop within you silently. You will not feel any symptoms until it reaches advanced stages. You can manage hypertension easily if you identify it early and start the treatment. 

The risk of developing this condition increases with your age. We suggest to start monitoring your BP from your 20s. Proper management from an early stage is important. It can help you prevent life threatening heart attacks, strokes and kidney disorders. 

You can visit primary care for hypertension management. We measure your BP during your regular and follow up appointments. It helps us to keep track of the changes in your pressure and prevent future complications.

Cholesterol Levels Screening

We advise our female patients to regularly check their cholesterol levels. High cholesterol increase the risk of developing heart disease. You should start controlling your cholesterol at an early age. This condition can make your arteries narrow and reduce blood flow. You should visit us for regular checkups. We will conduct blood tests to measure your cholesterol. We may tell you to fast before your test for accurate results. We also provide you with lifestyle guidance. We recommend to eat food and exercise to keep your cholesterol level within the safe range.

Diabetes Screening

You need diabetes screening to prevent heart disease, kidney problems or vision loss. We usually recommend regular diabetes screening if you are 45 years old. However, you should start it early if you have this condition in your family. This screening is also necessary for you in case you are overweight. 

We suggest A1C and oral glucose tolerance tests to identify your blood sugar level. These tests can also help to determine your prediabetic condition. This borderline diabetes is a risk factor. It can be the reason for your type 2 diabetes. 

You can consult us for an accurate blood sugar diagnosis. We can also help you to manage this condition through a personalized diet and exercise plan. We also help you with medication and weight loss programs.

Schedule Your Screenings Today!

Are you looking for reliable primary care physicians in the Bronx? Square Medical Care provides comprehensive healthcare services for women. We offer routine health screenings. We provide treatment for acute or chronic conditions based on your needs.. We have female physicians to ensure the comfort of our female patients. We have Spanish speaking doctors to ensure clear communication with our patients. You can visit our clinic for walk-in consultation or get an appointment online. Our clinic accepts almost all major insurances. We also allow out of pocket payment if you don’t have any insurance plan. We are currently accepting new patients. Book your appointment today.


What tests should women get every year?

Women should undergo various annual tests to ensure they are in good health. Doctor checks blood pressure to check for hypertension. Cholesterol level evaluation determines the risk of heart disease. And testing blood sugar for diabetes. Regular monitoring of weight and BMI assists in maintaining overall well being. Yearly checkups may also involve breast examination and Pap smears based on age and medical history. 

What should women do if they receive abnormal screening results?

You should consult with us to figure out what to do next. We may ask you to have follow up tests. Identifying and addressing your problems early can ensure successful treatment.

How can women stay informed about their screening needs?

Women should go for health checkups. We will discuss medical history. We will suggest lifestyle modification and address any concerns to ensure you receive the appropriate screenings at the right times.

How can women prepare for these screenings?

Your preparation depends on your screenings. We may ask you to fast before your diabetes and cholesterol tests. You may need to avoid certain medications before a Pap smear. We will provide you with the instructions before your test to ensure accurate results.

When should women begin receiving routine health screenings?

Women should start routine health screenings in their 20s. These check-ups can help monitor overall health. It helps to catch potential issues early.